We pulled up stakes early this AM at Cave City and headed south through Tennessee into Georgia. We're about 30 miles north of Atlanta at Lake Allatoona. Ah, I just love to romp in the lakes and this one fills the bill. I had to chase some ducks to get to the ball but no big deal. The RV park is nice but right next to a railroad track. The trains come about every 30 minutes and the trainman insists on blasting his horn. Now I want to share an insight about the location of RV parks. This is literally the fifth RV park situated next to an active train track. Why? you ask. Because residential development wouldn't work so well with trains roaring by all day and night. Another location feature is interstate highways with lots of trucks roaring by all night. I guess this is why these parks charge only $30-$35 a night.
Mom and Dad are chowing down on steak tonight so I may get a bone, but not holding my breath.
This has been a great trip. We really enjoyed meeting all the Arnesons, and I particularly enjoyed the cousins' dogs. Can't wait to see Rex again; I think he had a crush on me!
We're heading back to Dataw tomorrow. I'll have a few final thoughts tomorrow night.
Hi Jasmine! This is Uncle Geoff. I am chiming in here to wish you the very best in your adventure through the midwest and beyond. I hope Mom and Dad gave you the bone. Have you been a good girl?